• Autumn 2019…

    It’s beginning to feel like Fall…my favorite season of the year.  The windows are open and there’s a cool breeze.  A welcomed cool breeze after the hot summer we’ve had.  I love this time of year.

    If you noticed the date on my last blog post, you’ll see that it has been a while.  Much too long.  I’m ready to write again.  I have a brand new camera and it’s time to take photos again.  It’s a really nice Canon and definitely over my head, but I’ll figure it out.  In the meantime, I’ve purchased a Genesis framework update for my website, a new theme from 316 Designs and a few other technical things that I hope will help as I begin writing again.  In the beginning, you’ll probably see some changes when you log in, but I’ll get it done eventually!  Then again, I may be the only one here!  

    You’ll see some categories that will eventually be written and developed with photos of projects I’m working on – like sewing & quilting, family history & genealogy, Our Iowa Home and Sweet Home Chicago.  Hopefully, one of these days, there will be a category for photography.  I literally wore out my last camera – a Sony.  I have hope for the new one.

    It’s amazing how many “technical” changes there have been in the last two years in the world of blogging…not for the better either.  I found a plug-in that took me back to the original work sheet that looks familiar to me.  It’s not that I mind change – I don’t.  It’s just that the new one had no visible way to add photos that I could find…and I love to add photos!

    Three years ago, we leased our first vintage apartment in Chicago which we had for two years.  A year ago, we purchased a condo there and have enjoyed decorating it.  We’re especially enjoying being close to our sons and their families.  I love it when we’re there and we get to pick up two little granddaughters from school!  I especially enjoyed my time with them this summer having Grandmommy Camp!

    I’m loving this sweet journey home we’re on.  It’s hard to believe that Doug and I have been married for four and a half years now.  So many adventures and fun times together already…and we’ve only just begun.  From now on, I will take the time to blog about some of those adventures.  By the way, take a moment to read the new page entitled Cam.  On the sidebar on the right, you’ll see a header “Pages”.  Scroll down to the one about Cam.

    If you’re still out there by any chance, please leave a comment. Of course, first, I must figure out how you can leave comments on this new blog!  😉


  • How and why I blog…

    Lately, I’ve had several people ask me how I began blogging.  About six years ago, I was living in the Callahan Mountains of Oregon.  I was new to the area and did not have many friends at the time.  During the rainy season, there were several months with long days of rain which meant being inside a lot.  My three grown-up kids suggested writing – or blogging, and so I began doing both.  I wrote childrens books and filed them away to hopefully publish in the future.  I began a couple of mysteries and I began a blog.  At that time, it was My Southern Heart.  I also wrote the “history” and stories about my growing up in the South during the 50’s and 60’s.  That blog is entitled My Southern Heart…The Stories.  I had that blog published as a Christmas gift for my family a few years ago.

    Before I knew it, through my blogging, I had “met” people all over the world.  Had I met them in person?  No, not at all.  Still, I came to think of them as friends.  I followed along as my friend’s daughter in Scotland became very ill with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  I have traveled along on that journey with her and her family (along with many of her other faithful readers) .  Thankfully, her daughter is doing much better now.  There have been other journeys I have accompanied blogging friends on…all the way from Oregon and Iowa.  I have laughed with them, cried with a few who have faced sad circumstances and enjoyed the travels of a few to places that I long to visit.  I have loved seeing the talents that so many of my blogging friends possess – painting, sewing, knitting, decorating.  I especially enjoy the photography blogs that I follow and am inspired to get my camera out.

    So, I have now completed six years of blogging and I still enjoy it.  The funny thing is:  if I happen to go very long between postings, I will occasionally get emails from those who subscribe…asking me if I’m okay.  I appreciate the thought and I think that’s pretty exceptional that someone from a faraway country is checking on me!


    Many of you have written to say that you would like to begin a blog and have asked me how to go about it.  If you’ve noticed – there are usually no “advertisements” on my blog but I am about to share a little advertisement with you right now!  😉

    iPage is the Host that I use and I am extremely pleased with them.  I also use WordPress and purchased one of their “themes”.  Once you begin, it will be easier than you think!  Please watch the video below to learn more about them.  The monthly price right now is outstanding!  Much less than what I originally paid!  If you do sign up to create your own blog, please tell them Sweet Journey Home referred you!  Since I will get compensation for it, that will make me a very happy camper.  You will be able to share with your readers and be compensated also.  There is also a link on the right side of the blog to iPage as well as a link in the footer at the bottom of the blog!

    Write about whatever makes your heart sing.  Whatever you enjoy!  Antiques?  Sewing?  Cooking?  Genealogy?  Interior decorating?  Farming?  Just have fun blogging and enjoy the process.  Oh, and please send me a link to your blog, so I can follow along on your journey also!


    Web Hosting from iPage

    Web Hosting from iPage

  • Seeing is believing…

    The condo that I live in was built in the 1980’s.  For the most part, it has been updated except for a few things – one of those thing is the bathtub which is original.  I have been able to clean it just fine with the exception of the little “circles” embedded within the bottom of the cast iron tub – circles which were probably designed for traction.   No matter what I have used – and I have tried everything – the little circles would not come totally clean.

    I “squeegee” the tile after every single shower to keep it spotless, so the bottom of the tub was driving me crazy!  I have even tried all the “homemade” cleansers.  Nothing worked.  Absolutely nothing.

    I was at the grocery store today and came across these large Mr. Clean Magic Eraser “bath scrubbers”.  I believe the price was $3.19 for two sponges.  Probably cheaper where you live – groceries and supplies are expensive here.

    When I returned home, I tried it and couldn’t believe it.  It worked!  Granted, I was using some elbow power – just as I had with all the other products – but it worked.

    The little white circles are finally clean!  😉

    Please note:  I am so NOT being paid for this endorsement!  It’s just a “public service announcement” to help anyone else faced with trying to get those little white circles clean.
