Today is my birthday. I was born in a small town in the Delta of Mississippi, the youngest of four daughters. When you get to be THIS old, you become a little nostalgic about your life: your family…what you’ve accomplished – or didn’t accomplish – and whether or not you should just toss the proverbial bucket list. I’m blessed. I know that beyond a shadow of a doubt. I have a wonderful husband, amazing children and grandchildren. I have precious family and friends scattered throughout the states.
We are happily settled in our apartment in the Chicago neighborhood of Ravenswood. My youngest son and his family is a short 3 block walk away from our apartment. Tonight, we will be there for my birthday dinner. Quaint shops – and a Starbucks – are just a short walk away. Thanksgiving dinner was here in our small apartment- all eight of us. Doug and I cooked the ham, turkey and cranberry salad and everyone else brought the sides. My three and five year old granddaughters decided they would rather be at the “grown-up’s table”. We moved them there and everything was perfect.
Doug’s ninety-seven year old mom went home to be with the Lord on October 10th. It was a beautiful service in the Lutheran church where Doug grew up. She would have loved the amazing blanket of Autumn flowers – accented with yellow roses – that covered the casket. We miss her.
I’m in the process of taking photos of our small apartment and will be sharing them soon. In the meantime, we are enjoying our time with our family here before we head back to Iowa for a few weeks.
Happy birthday, Dianne! It has been good to receive updates again and it sounds like life is treating you well. Oregon is expecting a very cold snap next week and snow levels are dropping. I imagine e your Chicago winter will be a doozy also.
All the best in the coming year, friend. And until then, Merry Christmas!
So good to hear from you, Bonnie! I hope you are doing well. When we aren’t enjoying blizzards this winter in Chicago, we will be enjoying them at our home in Iowa as well!
Merry Christmas to you too!
Linda Pludra
Thanks for your beautiful and interesting blog. I always enjoy reading what you write….I feel like I’m there enjoying all of this with you. I’m so glad your life is so happy and blessed.
Deborah Zuniga
I subscribed to Sweet Journey Home via email and was told it was successful and an email had been sent. It’s been awhile and still no email has been received. Just thought I’d let you know. Thanks!
Thanks, Deborah! Could you try once again and, if it still doesn’t work, please let me know. Thank you!
Deborah Zuniga
Just tried to subscribe again and this is the message I got!! “You have already subscribed to this site. Please check your inbox.” I believe I am subscribed now. I have enjoyed reading both of your blogs and am so glad to see you are posting again! Thank you so much.
That’s good news! Thank you so much, Deborah!