
If you’ve had the experience of watching television with me for any length of time at all, then you know that I cannot abide commercials.  Nine times out of ten, I will mute the commercial!  Usually I leave the room for a cup of hot tea or a Sierra Mist or a glass of water – anything just to get away from the commercials.  I am of the opinion that the marketing and advertising professionals today seriously think that we are all stupid or dumb as a post.  Most of the commercials on air today are mindless and annoying.  Some of the commercials actually border on offensive.  The ones that are “supposed” to be funny are usually just annoying.  For example, the Sears commercial that features a young male and female blogger who are trying desperately to get a flight out.  In the midst of a blizzard, they must spend the weekend snowed in at O’Hare or some other airport.  It’s actually just beginning to get interesting when the young lovers fall head over heels over a Sears washer and dryer!  (I mean literally tumbling head first over said washer & dryer!)  Oh, please!

Okay, having said all that, I actually must give kudos to the Frito-Lay Corporation.  They have a commercial for Tostitos Cantina Chips which actually makes me laugh.  I don’t mute it.  That says a lot.

Oh, and the chips are delicious!



  • Christine

    Here in Scotland we watch a lot of things on the BBC and I never mind paying the television license every year to watch publically-funded television with no commercials. When we watch American imports, we’re always astounded at how short an “hour-long” programme is – usually 40 minutes of actual programme. Some channels here have commercials. A few of them are funny, but most of them are intensely irritating. We play a guessing game when new ones come on – anything surreal is usually for perfume.

  • Thimbleanna

    WHAT???? You don’t believe in love over a washer and dryer LOL??? I can’t stand commercials either — that’s why modern medicine (ha) provided DVRs. I hadn’t seen the Tostitos commercials — thanks for posting them and making me laugh. Now I’m hungry too!

  • Sharon Whitehurst

    I seldom watch TV. In the past I found that Public Television had the best programs and no commercials.
    I agree that most of the ‘ads’ [which I can’t avoid hearing if I happen to be near where my husband is watching TV] are noisy, mindless, inane, banal, assinine—-in short, I’m in line with your feelings about them!

    • Dianne

      I actually don’t turn the television on until late afternoon or early evening. Sometimes, I watch a DVD or my favorite TV programs. I have an old television so I’m doomed to endure the commercials.

  • Karen

    This post made me laugh. Because… husband LOVES commercials! He is a sales manager and any kind of advertising is right up his alley! He sings the jingles, repeats the slogans, gestures and keeps time to the music. I have learned to tolerate commercials because of the intense joy he finds in them! And yes, he watches the Superbowl mostly for the commercials! Oh, he hates Frito-Lay commercials because he now works for a competing brand. Now isn’t that funny? No? That’s what I think, too, but I love my goofy, loveable guy! xx

  • Kathleen

    Hi Dianne,
    I feel exactly the same way as you do about adverts. I mute them all the time. I also pre-record most programmes I like so that I can fast forward through the adverts. It’s the repetition that really drives me crazy.

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