• The sixth day of August…

    There are some days in life that are just bittersweet…today is one of those days.

    On a sweet note, today is Cindy’s birthday.  She is my sister Gerry’s firstborn.  Cindy is beautiful with a heart of gold…just like her late Mom.  She has an ever ready smile and a wonderful sense of humor.  We are always laughing when we’re all together.  An amazing pianist and wonderful teacher, she must bless the hearts of the students at the college where she teaches.  No doubt, she blesses the hearts of our entire family…just as she blesses mine.  Happy Birthday, Cindy!  I love you.  Wish I could be there to celebrate with all of you!

    Love this photo from about 1957.  Cindy was almost 5 and I was 12.  (Guessing at the year and ages here.)

    Apparently, I’d propped her up in the car window!  I was a really good baby sitter!


    Sadly, today also marks the ninth anniversary of my beautiful sister Dot’s death.  She fought a courageous battle against AML (Acute Myloid Leukemia) but Heaven needed her.  She had such strength and optimism.  She believed in FAMILY more than anyone I have ever known.  Dot remembered special days with a card, a note or a call.  She organized family reunions and made sure that we all got together.  She had a gift for staying in touch.  Dot had the burden/privilege of being the oldest…maybe that comes with the territory.  As I shared in the previous post, searching for our family roots was Dot’s inspiration and I will honor her by finishing it.  She would like that.  

    How I would love to answer the phone and hear her quip one more time, “Hello!  What’s going on besides the rent?” with that smile in her voice.  I miss her every single day…but I will see her in Heaven.

     I love this picture of my sister when she was about 21 years old. 

  • A mystery in Scotland…

    I wonder if the same thing that makes me wish I’d been an FBI agent is the same deep thing that makes me love a mystery?  Finding clues, sorting them out and solving a mystery is more than just a challenge – it’s actually intriguing.  This time, I’m talking about searching out clues in my family history.  Years ago, my late sister Dot had the dream of finding our ancestors.  I joined her in the exciting search.  It didn’t take a whole lot of imagination to know that with the last name of McGregor, our ancestors had come from Scotland.

    We began the journey back through the years and enlisted the help of our other two sisters.  The four of us traveled to the archives of Mississippi and various other libraries.  We wrote many letters requesting information from archives in several states.  Amidst the laughter on each trip we’d take, we discovered answers – in birth records, death records, marriage records, old newspaper clippings and family Bibles.  You would have thought we’d won the lottery when we “proved” a date or name.  There are three large rubbermaid containers stacked next to my chest in my bedroom…filled with several years worth of hard work.  I purposely did not put them in the storeroom for a good reason:  they’re there to remind me that I must finish this family history.  When the snow starts to fall in a few months, I will rejoin Ancestry.com and begin the journey back through time once again.

    Several years ago, my husband and I were traveling through North Carolina where my immigrant ancestor, Rev. William McGregor, had lived almost 300 years ago now.  There at the foot of Fall Mountain, he built a homestead – complete with a sturdy log house and outbuildings.  He established a large apple orchard.  He “preached in the meeting houses of America”…which had been his reason for coming to America in the first place.   He sold his home and land to Dr. Kron, the first physician of North Carolina.  The house has been rebuilt as an exact replica and is in Morrow Mountain State Park in Stanly County, North Carolina. 

    It was somehow humbling, yet awe-inspiring, to stand on the land of my ancestor, a Baptist preacher from Scotland (there weren’t a lot of Baptists in Scotland at that time).   I stood on the porch of his home and wondered where the answers lie.  So many of the actual records burned in fires over the years according to the archives there in Stanly County.  There are hundreds of his descendants who are searching – as I am.  Supposedly, Rev. William McGregor was born in Ossian’s Glen, Scotland.  Other records indicate he came from the Isle of Skye. 

    The mystery lies in Scotland but there is much to prove here first.  This is just part of the mystery that I will be working on this Winter, when the snow begins to fall…


    Below:  The front of Rev. William McGregor’s house in Morrow Mountain State Park, Stanly County, NC…




    Below:  The  back of Rev. William McGregor’s log house in Stanly County, NC 



     Below:  The back door of Rev. William McGregor’s house…wmmcgregor3

  • Mama and the pizza…

    A little Friday “flashback”…originally printed in My Southern Heart…the Stories

    It was the late 1950?s. We were living in the small house on Victor Drive with the sunny windows and the knotty pine dining room with two built-in corner china cabinets.

    It was a time of early rock and roll, dancing and pizza. Our first introduction to pizza was from George, a big, strong, dark-haired cajun planter from Louisiana. All these years later, and I remember George Broussard like it was yesterday. He was Glenda’s boyfriend and Glenda was Dot’s best friend. So we all spent a lot of time together in that little house on Victor Drive.

    George had a booming voice and a great laugh. His conversation was sprinkled with a few cajun words here and there, and he loved to kid Mama. One weekend, he brought a large, filled-to-the-brim pizza over for lunch. We’d never even seen a pizza. I have to admit, at first glance, I had my doubts. All these years later, I’ve had the best Chicago pizza in downtown Chicago…so I’d have to say I know good pizza. I don’t know where George got it, but that was some pizza! Mama took one look at it and had her doubts too. It, obviously, wasn’t Southern vegetables and cornbread. She almost didn’t try it, but she did…and she fell in love with George’s pizza. The best I recall all these years later, I’d say it was a thin-crust, SUPREME pizza and it was, indeed, delicious.

    Quite frequently after that, George would arrive with Glenda on his arm and toting another gift for Mama…a pizza supreme. I’m not sure George ever knew that Mama became a serious pizza fan after that. She would make it from scratch from time to time; but when she was in a hurry, she’d resort to Chef Boyardee.  Not too sure George would have approved of that…


    Added note:  Memories are a funny thing.  I wrote this post a few years ago and, since then, I’ve been trying to pinpoint the year(s) more accurately.  It could have been the early sixties, because I remember that George and Glenda gave me a pair of really nice charcoal gray pants from the Clothes Horse on Poplar Avenue for graduation in 1963!  Just don’t ask me what I did yesterday!

     To find the recipe for the delicious King Arthur flour pizza pictured above, go here.

  • The first day of August…

    The first day of August is a day to celebrate…and remember.  Today is my beautiful sister Gerry’s birthday.  No doubt, she is celebrating in Heaven with my family who have gone before…but I miss her.  I miss her sweet Southern voice and that forever smile.  I know I will see her again in Heaven.

    gerryaugust1961 Gerry



    Today is my sweet daughter-in-love’s birthday…my younger son’s wife.  She has the same kind, all-encompassing and loving spirit that my sister Gerry had.  I was with her and my newborn granddaughter when I received the call that Gerry had lost her battle with ALS.  The tears rolled down her face as she listened to my conversation on the phone and felt my pain.  She is a wonderful wife and amazing mother to my 22-month-old granddaughter.  She is due to deliver their second daughter any day now.  I can’t wait!  Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

    Photo below:  their wedding.  I was surprised and touched to see the blue cotton plaid handkerchief tied around her bouquet at the wedding.  It had belonged to my Dad…



    The first day of August is my precious daughter and sweet son-in-love’s wedding anniversary.  Today marks 21 years together and a life filled with four wonderful children and joy.  I’m blessed to be this amazing young man’s “other mother”!  He has been there for me over the years – especially this past one – and I am so thankful for him.  Happy Anniversary!  Tonight, I will “babysit” (read have a lot of fun) my four granchildren as the two of them go out for dinner.  I’m looking forward to it!


  • One fun visit…

    This time last week, I was enjoying my first out-of-town company since moving into the condo.  Penny, my sister-in-law of 39 years, and her sweet husband Mike had arrived about 9:30 p.m. the night before in the midst of a typically severe Midwest thunderstorm.  I greeted them with hugs and a “welcome to Iowa”!

    The photo below of (L to R) Mike, Penny, me and Bill was taken sometime in the mid-1970’s.  When you’ve been together since 1966, there is a storehouse of memories and a strong bond.  I’m sure Bill was looking down from Heaven…reminiscing along with us and laughing at the three of us. 



    We enjoyed a leisurely breakfast and lunch together each day.  In the afternoon, we headed over to my daughter’s house for a fun visit and delicious supper.  The grandchildren love Aunt Penny & Uncle Mike!  It was all so much fun.

    As a superb craftsman and “handyman”, Mike found several things around the condo that needed repair and attention – and fixed them!  I had been living with having to plug/unplug the lamp in the living room each day…trying not to trip over the exposed cord!   (The condo was built in the 80’s and does not have a plug in the floor).  Among other creative fixes, Mike devised a method of hiding a new cord under my large area rug and plugged it in behind the entertainment center.  No more exposed cord and no more tripping over it!  Oh, so much better that I did a little happy dance!  😉

    One day, we headed to Lowe’s where we picked up brown felt feet for all my bookcases, entertainment center, table and chairs (Mike’s super idea).  Since they came in their dual-cab truck, we also picked up a glass-topped round table and  two new chairs for my porch – in keeping with the blue & green theme of the pillows which my daughter selected.  I also found another inexpensive table to elevate my other fern.  Mike arranged all the furniture on the porch and it looks great!  Penny says he’s a “keeper” and I agree!

    They had been searching for a travel trailer and actually purchased one here!  It’s a 24′ one that can sleep 6, complete with television, stove top, microwave, bathroom and table & banquet!  It looks so comfortable – a home away from home in the Smokies or wherever they journey.  My grandchildren loved it – especially since they had to store it at my daughter’s house while they were here.

    After the Monday night storm on the evening they arrived, the weather turned cool and very much like Fall.  The porch was a very pleasant place to be.  They enjoyed sitting out there and Penny especially enjoyed reading there.

    All too soon, our visit was over and they made the long trip back to Memphis – this time pulling a 24′ travel trailer!  Thank you, Mike and Penny, for the fun visit and all the help.  I miss you guys already.  Come back soon!










  • Memories of the Fourth of July…

    When my three sisters and I began our family history search ( inspired and instigated by my oldest sister Dot), we made several family history journeys…with so much laughter and fun as the four of us traveled together.  Sometimes, my niece Sharon accompanied us and there was even more laughter.  One of those trips was to Jackson, Mississippi, where we spent the day in the Mississippi archives.  Another search took us to Pontotoc  County, Mississippi, where Mama and Daddy were both born.  There, we visited both the library and the dusty archives of the small town newspaper.  Most of the articles were not on microfiche or anything more updated, so we searched through dozens of large leather-bound journals containing newspapers from many decades ago. 

    We would get so excited whenever we found an article about our family.  One such article was written about Mama’s Fourth of July birthday party held at their home.  From the date, they would not have been married very long.  It described the menu (including homemade ice cream – or “cream” as Daddy called it.  Year after year, there was a twofold celebration…Mama’s birthday and our nation’s independence. 

    As the years rolled by and we daughters were born, the celebration continued.  As we grew up, got married and had families, the celebration continued.  Every year, the family gathered for a picnic and cookout with all the trimmings in her honor. In later years, it was held at my oldest sister Dot’s house because she had a swimming pool. Memphis is hot in the summertime and the kids loved the pool. Dot would bake a large chocolate sheet cake with a hint of cinnamon and a delicious chocolate icing. Sometimes, she’d decorate the top. It was so very good. My mouth waters just remembering. With the cake, there would be homemade vanilla ice cream, usually my sister Gerry’s specialty. Before dessert, of course, there would be delicious grilled hamburgers, baked beans, potato salad and other wonderful dishes. In later years, we’d sometimes order Memphis barbeque at its best – from Corky’s.

    These will always be my memories of the Fourth of July…my dear parents, my sisters, my precious family.  I have no doubt they are celebrating in Heaven today.  Happy Birthday, Mama… 


    Below:  the McGregor girls at one of Mama’s Fourth of July birthay parties…



     Below:  Dianne and Gerry at Mama’s 4th of July birthday party at Dot’s house. About 1990.


    Below are just a few of the members of my large family.  I need to dig through all my photos and scan the rest!  I faithfully took my Pentax K1000 to every single function we had.  Everybody teasingly complained then.  Now, they are glad for a bit of history captured on film.

     Below:  My sister Gerry and my niece Sharon about 1982.  Mama’s Fourth of July birthday party at Sharon’s house.


    Below:  my oldest, my great-niece Dawn and my niece Gina


    Below:  my sister Dot and her husband Tom…late 80’s.



     Below:  my sister Eunice and her husband Eddie.


    Bill and me at a Fourth of July birthday party for Mama…early 90’s.


    Below:  my sister Gerry at another Fourth of July at Dot’s house… 


     Below:  three of my nieces at Dot’s house…late 80’s.


    Below:  Mama’s Fourth of July birthday party at my niece Sharon’s house – about 1983. 

    My youngest is in the “firetruck” and my great-nephew is on his bike. 


     Below:  my oldest two with their “Mamaw”…about 1990…at Dot’s house.



    Below:  my sister Gerry and her husband, my niece and her son (who is now in his third year of medical school!)



    My niece…Gerry’s older daughter.  I wish you could hear her play the piano…