• One wonderful week…

    I arrived in the Dallas-Fort Worth airport on April 20th after an uneventful two hour direct flight from Des Moines (the best kind of flight).   My son, his sweet wife and my beautiful nineteen month old granddaughter were there to meet me.  I had not seen them since Thanksgiving and the changes in my granddaughter were apparent.  Children grow so fast!

    The week flew by.  We took advantage of the time and crammed a lot into it!  There was a block party that first weekend with grilled hot dogs, music and all the goodies.  There was also a blow-up-jump-tent which my granddaughter loved!  Unfortunately, once too many “really big kids” got in, it was time for her to get out according to her protective dad and I agreed!  She wasn’t too happy about getting out though.

    Over the week, there was lots of time to:  go to library preschool story hour, play together, visit a park (which she loved), go out to eat a few times, enjoy my daughter-in-love’s great cooking, play with my granddog Bernie (who, we decided, is a Jack-Chi…1/2 Jack Russell 1/2 Chihauhau), read books to my granddaughter, shop at Ikea, shop at a terrific book store, babysit & give them a night out, visit an Etsy Crafts Fair and watch my son’s great morning television show which I cannot see here in Iowa.   It was also fun seeing the large home they will be moving into at the end of May.  Their family will be expanding in August when my new little granddaughter arrives.  They will love all that extra space in the new house which includes a wonderful playroom!

    All too soon, seven days passed and it was time to drive me to the airport.  My granddaughter fell asleep on the way there.  I reached over and kissed her lightly goodbye, not wanting to awaken her.  It was sad to leave them.  My son and daughter-in-love emailed to say that it was sad when she woke up – wondering where Grandmommy was and reaching over for me.  Of course, I cried when I heard that.  I miss her so much already.

    I’ve said before, that in a perfect world, all my children and grandchildren would be no more than two hours from me.  Apparently, according to my son, I have given them “roots and wings”.  I’m glad for that but, evidently, that meants that they are to be scattered, living happily ever after…fulfilling their destinies.

    …but I still miss them all.

    At the park…

    I love her adorable profile and her windblown hair!  She has lots of barrettes but doesn’t like to keep them in her hair!


    Above:  crunching her munchies and watching Bernie play with the other little dogs at the dogpark!


    She wasn’t too sure that she wanted to slide, so her Mom took her on her lap.


  • Look who moved in…

    It only took them one week to build a home and move in – right on my porch!  You know, the porch I was looking forward to using after I buy a couple of chairs and a table.  I was in Dallas last week enjoying a wonderful visit with my son and his family (next post) and these two little birds took advantage of my absence to move in!  As I sit at my desk beside the sliding glass door leading to the porch, they are not intimidated at all.

    I’m not sure what type of birds these are (maybe finches?) but the male is definitely colorful.  I haven’t ventured to the nest yet to see if there are eggs in it.  Anyone recognize these little critters?

    I’ll be patient for a little while, but I really want to use my porch, guys!

    Mr. Colorful with his dowdy wife.  Paying their rent with lots of song…

    They should be in the construction business…they built this home in one week. 

    Unfortunately, it’s on my porch!

  • Packing for Dallas…

    It has been almost five months since I have seen my two sons and their families…not since Thanksgiving.  I miss them!  On Saturday morning, I am flying to Dallas for a week-long-visit with my youngest and his sweet family.  My now nineteen-month-old granddaughter has changed so much since November!  I see photos of her.  I have brief visits with her on Facetime…but nothing compares to a visit in person.  She is absolutly adorable with her big blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair – just like her dad’s.  I can’t wait to see her!  And spend lots of time coloring together (she loves to color) and going for walks and playing.  The first couple of times that I went to visit, we “toured” Dallas, but to be honest, I just want grandbaby time!  I’m sure Dallas is lovely, but Dallas cannot compete with a nineteen-month-old granddaughter!

    Chicago Bulls’ fans at a Bulls game in Dallas! She’s clapping!

    So, my carry-on suitcase is packed with all the blankets & the quilt that I have made for her.  There’s a sweet vintage book by my favorite illustrator, the late Eloise Wilkin.  I look forward to reading it to her.  I’m taking a tape measure and several patterns to show her sweet mom.  I want to make some little dresses but I don’t have a clue what pattern size to make at this time.  So, I will take measurements and hurry home to make them before she grows a whole lot more.

    There’s also a soft, sweet baby doll complete with her blankie and bottle.  (I took her out of her box.  She’s a “My First Nursery” Middleton doll.  I will pack her in soft tissue paper and place her in the middle between blankets.)  I also want to look for a couple of toddler coloring books when I am, hopefully, out & about tomorrow.  (Today it has stormed all day long…complete with pouring rain, loud thunder and bolts of lightning.)  Then I should be all packed!

    What’s that?  Where are my clothes?!  Uh…good question.  Guess I should pack those next!

    Both graduates of IU, they’re definitely Hoosier fans!


    And I get to meet my new granddog, Bernie!

    See you soon…

  • Commercials…

    If you’ve had the experience of watching television with me for any length of time at all, then you know that I cannot abide commercials.  Nine times out of ten, I will mute the commercial!  Usually I leave the room for a cup of hot tea or a Sierra Mist or a glass of water – anything just to get away from the commercials.  I am of the opinion that the marketing and advertising professionals today seriously think that we are all stupid or dumb as a post.  Most of the commercials on air today are mindless and annoying.  Some of the commercials actually border on offensive.  The ones that are “supposed” to be funny are usually just annoying.  For example, the Sears commercial that features a young male and female blogger who are trying desperately to get a flight out.  In the midst of a blizzard, they must spend the weekend snowed in at O’Hare or some other airport.  It’s actually just beginning to get interesting when the young lovers fall head over heels over a Sears washer and dryer!  (I mean literally tumbling head first over said washer & dryer!)  Oh, please!

    Okay, having said all that, I actually must give kudos to the Frito-Lay Corporation.  They have a commercial for Tostitos Cantina Chips which actually makes me laugh.  I don’t mute it.  That says a lot.

    Oh, and the chips are delicious!


  • Camry crisis…

    I’d love to drive to the nearest Toyota franchise and drive home with a brand new Camry.  That isn’t going to happen.  I’ve joined the ranks of the retired who are “living on Social Security and a very small dwindling nest egg”.  We bought my Camry new in 1999 and have taken very good care of it through the years.  It has needed occasional work from time to time (don’t we all)  but, overall, it has been reliable and “healthy”.

    I had noticed over the past few days that Camry (that’s what I call her) had begun to “run rough”.  I didn’t know what was wrong but I had a suspicion that something was.  It was definitely not time for her appointment for her “new oil, fluids & filter checkup” – not even close.

    This morning, I drove down to the local post-office-station at Dahl’s grocery store to mail my check & income tax return to the IRS.  That didn’t do much for me but I knew it would make the IRS happy.

    I had a few errands that I needed to run after that:  pick up my reserved book at the library, pick up a prescription at the pharmacy and treat myself to a much-needed-haircut.  I pulled out of Dahl’s parking lot and took a right on 50th Street.  I had barely made it into the center lane, when Camry began shaking violently, not picking up any speed at all.  To top it all off, the engine light was flashing and there was a smell!

    As a Registered Nurse since 1978, I’ve calmly handled more than my share of medical crises in the hospital but I’m not a mechanic.  All of a sudden, I did not feel safe and the long string of what-ifs started.  I knew I couldn’t afford a new car.

    I pulled into a nearby “Kum & Go” (like a 7-11 for my Southern friends).  There was no way I could get Camry on the interstate to drive to Firestone but that’s where I needed to go.  An angel disguised as a young man working at Kum & Go, took a look under the hood and checked the fluids.  He said I was almost out of coolant and something else.  I bought some and he took care of putting it in the right place under the hood (not usually a service they provide at Kum & Go!) but said he didn’t think this was the real problem.  There was no way the fluids should have been low.  This indicated something else was wrong.  He suggested to get help soon.  I was.  I offered him a generous tip but he graciously, absolutely refused it.

    By this time, I have my calm, class-act daughter on the cell phone to alert her of the situation and that I might be in need of rescuing.  Also by this time, I’m shedding a few tears…it’s those what-ifs and the uncertain financial future that gets me every time.  In her reassuring way, she tells me we’ll take one problem at the time.  She stays on the phone with me to give me directions to Firestone via the “back way” since I can’t go the only way I know – via interstate.  She stays with me until I get to Firestone.  I love my sweet girl!

    Firestone took one look at me and got Camry in right away.   While they went to work diagnosing the problem, I wandered down the strip mall next to where they are located.  I just knew it was going to be expensive.

    First, I went to the pet store.  That always cheers me up – except for the fact that I still cannot have a pet.  Not where I live now.  Eventually, I will be living somewhere that I will have a dog.  Next stop:  Michaels craft store.  It would have been more fun if I had known whether or not I would have any money left to spend!  Next stop:  Gordman’s department store where I bought a thank you card.  I was truly tempted to buy the framed Bible verse in the home department – resting front and center on the middle shelf!  It is one of my favorites:  Romans 8:28.  I said “thank you, Lord, for the subtle reminder”.  By this time, they had called with the diagnosis (I was down to 3 cyclinders and a few other things wrong) estimate:  $460.00!  I said yes of course.  I had no choice.

    After that, I treated myself to a $12 manicure and met a sweet young Vietnamese woman.  She asked where I worked.  I said I was retired.  She smiled and shook her head “no”.  She said she thought I was 50!  She wanted to be sure I understood her, so she wrote the number 50 on a piece of paper.  She either a.) needs glasses or b.) is another angel – disguised as a manicurist.

    An hour or so later, I picked up Camry – who was now feeling her oats and driving like a dream – and headed out to finish my errands.


  • Classic movies…

    Sometimes I think I was born a couple of decades too late.  I love the classic movies set during the forties and fifties…all depicting life as we will never know it.  Drama, mystery, romance, romantic comedy, film-noir, the suspense of a WWII movie set in Berlin…all a different time and place coming to life in timeless black & white.

    I enjoy a step back in time seeing the vintage homes and furnishings.  I love the fashions of the forties and fifties.  I remember as a small child my older sisters wearing just such ensembles.   I’ve slowly gathered a classic movie collection.  Granted most are in VHS, so I must keep a VHS player that works!  It’s not an impressive collection…but large enough that, at a moment’s notice, I can enjoy an evening with Jimmy Stewart, Cary Grant, Claudette Colbert, Clark Gable, Katherine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy and Jean Arthur among others.  These are movies that have stood the test of time.  These are actors who have set the standard against which today’s actors measure their performances.

    I began this post with the idea of choosing my ten favorites.  Impossible.  Let’s just say the following are among my favorites.  If you haven’t seen them, check them out from your local library or video store and spend an enjoyable evening with a few legends…

    • Rear Window (1954)  with Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly.  Director:  Alfred Hitchcock.
    • Spellbound (1945) with Ingrid Bergman and Gregory Peck.  Director:  Alfred Hitchcock.
    • Vertigo (1958)  with Jimmy Stewart and Kim Novak.  Director:  Alfred Hitchcock.
    • Rebecca (1940) with Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine.  Director:  Alfred Hitchcock.
    • North by Northwest (1959) with Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint.  Director:  Alfred Hitchcock.
    • The Talk of the Town (1942) with Cary Grant and Jean Arthur.  Director:  George Stevens.
    • It Happened One Night (1934) with Cary Grant and Claudette Colbert.  Director:  Frank Capra.
    • It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) with Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed.  Director:  Frank Capra.
    • Christmas in Connecticut (1945) with Barbara Stanwyck and Dennis Morgan.  Director:  Peter Godfrey.
    • The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947) with Gene Tierney and Rex Harrison.  Director:  Joseph L. Mankiewicz.
    • Suspicion (1941) with Cary Grant and Joan Fontaine.  Director:  Alfred Hitchcock.
    • Roman Holiday (1953) with Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn.  Director:  William Wyler.
    • Laura (1944) with Gene Tierney and Dana Andrews.  Director:  Otto Preminger.


    I found the following clips below on  YouTube.  The Talk of the Town with Cary Grant is one of my all-time favorites.  Watch these short clips and I think you’ll want to see the rest of it!  😉