It’s a cold and rainy Sunday morning in January. I’m home from church this morning feeling under the weather and definitely disappointed that I won’t see my 8 year old granddaughter in her new ensemble that I made for her! Hopefully, my daughter will take photos for me. I saw her in it the other day after I finished it but she had just returned from swimming and her hair was wrapped in a towel. Not quite the same effect as today will be!
We spent yesterday at the Natatorium (love that word!) at the YMCA watching my 15, 13 and 8 year old grandchildren compete in a swim meet. There were new “times” set and ribbons won. They are all fast, strong swimmers and competed beautifully. Afterwards, my daughter made totally homemade pizza (sauce and all) for dinner and it was delicious! My now 4 year old grandson asked for “a few rounds of Sock Monkey” before I had to leave and how was I to say no to that?!
I’m in the process of slowly going through the 576 posts of my 4 year-long blog My Southern Heart. I would like to find somewhere to have it published before I close the blog. I published My Southern Heart…the Stories for my children for Christmas a couple of years ago, but my blog My Southern Heart is about 750 pages and too long for the publisher I used previously. Any ideas or suggestions as to printers/publishers???
In the process of going through the posts, I came across this one and was reminded, once again, of the wonder of it all – how the many traits and characteristics we possess are passed down from generation to generation…
Fifty-Five Years and A Lock of Hair…
Published January 2, 2012
Then I spotted the envelope written in Mama’s hand. On the front it read “Dianne McGregor. Lock of hair from September 28, 1957?. 55 years?! I took the envelope outside into the sunlight and carefully pulled out the lock of hair and the small 55 year old rubber band. (For a moment, I felt just like Bruce Willis when he meets himself as a child in the Disney movie, “The Kid”.)
I know now why my youngest has beautiful strawberry blonde hair (besides the fact his two grandmothers did as well). I held the proof in my hands. My hair was clearly blonde. Strawberry blonde.
A year or so ago, I tried having my hair a darker brown. It didn’t feel right. It didn’t feel like me. Someone asked me, “what makes you think you’re a blonde?” Besides my coloring and my memory? I just knew.
So, today, I held the 55 year old lock of hair in my hands. It is the exact same color hair as several of my granddaughters. I was eleven years old on September 28th, 1957…the same age as one of my granddaughters.
I love the study of genetics. The link from one generation to the next. The circle of life…
So sorry to hear you’re feeling under the weather. Sometimes we just need a really good rest, so take care of yourself today.
I have also thought of turning my blog pages into a book, or at least editing out what I want to remember. I haven’t taken the time to check into it yet, so unfortunately I don’t have any advice. It would surely be a nice keepsake though.
Thanks, Cindy…I think you’re right about just needing some rest. I’ll let you know if I find a good source for publishing blogs.
hope you feel alot better.
Thank you, Kiddo….I’m fine – just a little under the weather.
get well soon, dianne!
i love looking through my old posts–a)i appreciate how far my photography has come, and b)there are all kinds of recipes that i had forgotten and need to bring back posthaste! i like the post you re-shared, very neat.
I love your recipes! You and my daughter who has turned into a gourmet cook should get together – you’d have so much in common! Thanks for the visit and the comments!
Have you heard about ” Blurb”? I use them for my parents books. By Dad’s book was near 600 pages and my Mom’s book was nearly 300 pages.. For my Dad’s it was suggested to make two books out of his.. I love reading your stories. All the best..
Good morning, Kristeen – I just enjoyed a visit to your blog! I THINK that Blurb is what I used to publish my earlier book for my children. I will have to figure out a way to turn My Southern Heart into two volumes. Good idea!
Tom | Tall Clover Farm
Dianne, love your new blog. And love the fact that we live in an age when kind voices can share their stories to the world and we can stumble upon them one at time and savor each like a candied treat.
Thank you, kind sir. I also your blog immensely. There are stories put away in a drawer that, if I were braver, I would submit for publication. In the meantime, I do enjoy writing for my blog.
I remember loving this post the first time around, as this time as well. Good luck with your publishing – keep us updated!
Oh, thank you, Christine! I was reading something online about successful blogging yesterday and the article mentioned not forgetting your old posts!