A windy Sunday afternoon…

I enjoy having my daughter and her family over for lunch after church on Sundays every other Sunday or so (although tomorrow I’m going over there!).  It’s a bit of an endeavor in that my sweet son-in-love and my oldest grandson must trek down to my basement storeroom and bring up two extra dining chairs, but they don’t seem to mind.  My daughter and her youngest two children were with me when I chose the dining furniture and my young granddaughter informed me that “it had to be able to seat all of us”!  This round table has a hidden leaf which comes out to convert the table into an oval.  There is plenty of room for all of us!

The last Sunday they were over was Easter and it was such fun.  My daughter brought their Easter baskets and we hid the colorful filled baskets for them to find before lunch inside the apartment.  The apartment is only 1200 sq. feet but we still managed to hide them successfully.  The three youngest grandchildren stay behind with me for several hours after their Mom and Dad return home.  Their older brother usually has to study so he returns home as well.

That afternoon, we worked on art projects with my granddaughter’s new fairy design set.  They love exploring the apartment and found my old costume jewelry and other “treasures”.  My 9 year old granddaughter fell in love with my Mother’s locket…her maternal great-grandmother.  She wanted my photo in it and we found one that fit.  I know that she will take good care of it.  Now, she wears my photo around her neck!  My 13 year old granddaughter found some treasures that she wanted to take home with her as well.  It amazes me that, at this young age, they realize that sentimental treasures aren’t always about monetary value.

Later, we decided to go for a walk but realized that their coats were in their car which was now at their home!  We improvised and they all wore one of mine – including my 4 year old grandson…which was a funny sight!  We headed out for our walk and, too late, realized that it was so cold and WINDY!  No one, including me, had a hat on and how I wished for one.  We walked down to the park next to the the nearby elementary school.  They played for a while on the jungle gym, then we headed back to my apartment for warm apple cider and a snack before I drove them home.

I love that, the very next morning, my daughter said that my nine year old granddaughter asked when she “could see Grandmom again”!

Chilly and WINDY Sunday afternoon and we were walking to a nearby park. They’re all wearing one of my jackets…including my 4 year old grandson! 😉



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