Each of my children has the gift of writing. Sometimes with a bit of humor mixed in with the serious. I wanted to share my daughter’s wonderful post about turning 45 on the 4th of December. Although it just seems like yesterday to me…
Turning 45 today….here’s what I’ve learned so far
– Move. Move. Move. The older you get the easier it is to begin to live a sedentary life. Don’t. Move. Walk, run, do something. Because the older you get, the harder it is to shed those pounds. Tis’ true….unfortunately.
– It’s never to late to start something new. Take up a hobby – like farming. So what, if people think you’re crazy and are doomed to fail. What do they know? They are young and naive. You’re old and wise. Like Yoda. Except without the wrinkles. Okay, maybe some wrinkles. Well, lots of wrinkles…ugh, now I’m depressed. Next one….
– Skinny jeans. Don’t go there. Ever. Just leave those bad boys on the shelves. Trust me. Weren’t made for a 45 year old. If you do, you’ll look like your going through a mid-life crisis, all squished into those things. Just back away.
– It is completely normal and quite expected for you, the parent, to freak out regarding your teenager. Totally normal. It means that you are a loving and caring parent. You are not the only one whose raised teenagers.
– Pray. Spend a lot of time on your knees. This goes with the previous one. Because you are going to need all the help you can get.
– Embarrass your children. Sing Christmas carols LOUD while you shop with them. Do a mo-town dance while waiting to check out. It’s a perk, really. Count it as paybacks for all those late night feedings and changing of diapers.
– Never wear hoodies into a bathroom stall. (see yesterday’s post). I don’t want to talk about it.
– In the eyes of your teenager, you know nothing. They think you’re more like spongebob than like Yoda. I hear that turns around sometime later, but I’m still waiting for that one.
– Start your marriage with someone you are crazy about and every so often, remember why you are crazy about him. Laugh. A lot. And yes, sometimes relinquish control of the remote….I said sometimes. It makes for a great marriage.
– Be happy. With who you are, right now. With your kids. With life. There are no do-overs. You get only one shot at this. Make the most of it.
– Last one. 45 is not old. Not even close. I may be over half way done, but watch out….because I’m just getting started.
The featured image above is one of my favorites…here she is a freshman in college a few years ago!
Although time seems to me more like ths pic below of her on her inchworm. Where did the time go?!
The bold link above will take you to her delightful blog. I’m sure she would love to have you as a follower!